Thursday, February 2, 2017

Harvey Bantleon

Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 2:24 PM
Subject: Heavenly Thoughts

Dear Family and Friends,
Last week I was reminded three times that heaven is nearer than we suspect, as I came across reports in different ways of unexpected deaths of beloved individuals. I knew two of them personally as former neighbors, and one by reputation who had worked locally with university students. All of these dear people are finding out what's in store after this life is finished.
We lost our dog of 16 years on Tuesday. It's a common question on all our minds at some point, and it's expressed in different contexts. Not a few have asked, "Will my dog/cat be in heaven?" In other words, are they worthy, and can I have the joy of being with them again? What does loss introduce, and will it be permanent?
Looking through an old catalog yesterday, I came across a tear-drop pendant that said, "Heaven has in store what thou has lost." That struck me as a wish for faith and hope. It's meant to comfort a grieving heart-in-waiting mode.
The Bible has much to say about heaven and what's in store. I found that out when I was searching for answers to questions after our adult daughter, Lauren was tragically killed in an auto accident last March. God's Word gave many specifics about the promises and limitations of what we can know now. Mostly, though, I was shown hope that it's real and is filled with those who come to trust in the eternal, living God. At some point before we expect to go there, faith is offered and a choice has to be made. Will we believe and accept God's invitation? Everything after this life depends on it. Despite our good intentions, works of kindness, people who love us, we are separated by our sin natures from a Holy God.
This truth is still relevant to all, because this God still raises the dead. So, when I saw the news last week about each soul who left families, jobs, and so much we take for granted, I wondered what they did about that reality. Did they answer the invitation that came for them personally? Had they been told about the Way, the Truth, and the Life? Heaven is real and nearer than we suspect.

"We are a moment, You are forever, Lord of the ages,
 God before time.

                                    We are a vapor, You are eternal, love everlasting,
                                                                                                                                                                        reigning on high..."

We Love You, Banty