Monday, December 21, 2020

From: Harvey Bantleon Hoover


Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 8:55 AM
Marianna Nothern; Marianna Nothern
Subject: NY Times article





Good Morning Marianna.


 I will start by saying that this is probably not an ideal time to be engaging in political or religious discussion, but I cannot but respond to this article that you sent me. We continue to pray for you and all your wonderful family during such a time of grief.


My first point would be to make an opening comment regarding the NY Times; the paper of record? I guess most people do not know the record of this "newspaper". Did you know, for instance, that they denied the halocaust during WW2? Anyway, today they are definitely the paper of the record that they want us to ascribe to. I will leave it there.


OK then...In the opening question from Kristoff, he asks Wallis if he believes in the virgin birth. So, no he does not take the Bible as God's Word, and he simply evades the answer by quoting the Magnificat, which is lovely, but not Christmas. Notice that Kristoff does not follow up to get an answer. Wallis goes on to say that it was a time like now. about a time like all times. To quote Dickens, "It was the best of times and it was the worst of times..." the opening line of A Tale of Two Cities, and yes kind of like now and all times.


Where in the heck does Wallis get the idea that white evangelism is even a thing? Jesus called His saints (all true believers) to go into all the world and make disciples. Don't forget, Marianna, that we are all just people and even icons such as Martin Luthor were anti-Semetic. So just because some like Falwell and Robertson believed that homosexuality was a sin, (which it ceertainly is, just as much as adultery), I can agree that their statements were not likely to attract  anyone to come to saving knowledge of Christ. The radical love of Jesus included telling the truth, always, even to the point of calling the religious legalists a brood of vipers. Oh, and by the way, yes Jesus could have been a man of color (what possible difference would it make?), but we know for sure that he was a Jew. And the art that depicts Jesus as white goes back to the 2nd century. Also, did you not read about the "Black Madonna" (Poland) in grade school? So this becomes just another fabricated (straw man) point or argument.


So Wallis has been fighting religious fundamentalists his whole life. Does that include Jesus, who was certainly a fundamentalist. As a fundamentalist myself, I can only assert that I pray for all those who are intolerant of anything, including people of faith. Wallis has just told us that white, blue-eyed Jesuses only exist in American Churches. I guess he forgot about Hollywood, Europe, etc. He accuses me of cutting all the verses about the poor out of the Bible. What a horrible joke. You know that I have dedicated my life to telling as many as possible what a relationship with Christ is and means. I provided an avenue to do that through co-starting an international sports ministry, serving at soup kitchens, teaching in prisons, leading Bible studies in my church as an elder and deacon and on staff at our church for 7 years. And by the way, you know that we go to a racially diverse church, pastored by an amazing doctor of ministry who happens to be black.


Like many on the left, Wallis glosses over the subject of abortion by calling it a mere distraction. I have many of my culteral Christian friends who claim that abortion is just a one-issue argument and we must not even count most abortions as killing because zygottes are not even human. In the past we have heard the same thing about blacks and jews and native Americans and Asians,etc. 


Finally, Kristoff ends his softball interview by stating he considers himself a Christian but denies the virgin birth, resurrection, and miracles, rather like so many who make the same claim. Going to church does not make one a Christian...period. I am living proof that faith in the truth of all the Bible teaches can change a life into  a disciple of Him who offers us forgiveness and a new life in the Holy Spirit. Notice how Wallis ends by touting all his great "works" by raising money for charitable causes. Does he not know that our works are as filthy rags before God and it is only faith and faith alone that can save our souls. What profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? He calls my faith easy certainty, but Jesus told us that the world will hate us, because it hated Him first. Do you really think it's easy to be an evangelical today? Consider that Iam mostly thought a fool by my own family. And lastly, I will comment that he cannot help but throw insults and lies at our president, when it was Obama that divided our country to its worst level since the Civil war and it was he who tore the children from their parents at the border and actually built the cages. The certainty of faith can only be understood by supernatural revelation from God. Marianna, you know that we are ALL sinners in need of forgiveness, do you not?


Anyway, thank you for allowing me to comment on this typical left wing article by a man who makes me wonder if he, indeed is a Christian, or just a political hack like so many posers on the left  They use many flowery words to lead people down the wide road of destruction. Some use their pulpits to spread hate for whitey or any other people group that is defferent (conservatives). They will stand before God on judgement day to give an account. Jess will either say "Well done" or He will say "I never knew you, depart from me".


I love you and continue to pray that God would make Himself known to all and erase any doubts of the reality of our destiny.

Blessings, Banty






Sunday, December 6, 2020

Marianna Bantleon

 BRAMWELL Marianna Bramwell, 86, died Jan. 23rd after a long illness. Marianna was born in Groton, MA., on September 1, 1918, to First Lieutenant and Mrs. Clifford Augustus Bantleon. She grew up in Kansas City, KS, and attended Wyndotte High School and the University of Kansas, where she was a member of Phi Beta Phi Sorority. She taught elementary school and received her Masters of Library Science from Emporia State University. She served as school librarian in Salina, KS, until her retirement in 1980. She was active in many civic and community affairs, was a lifelong Episcopalian and truly loved her church. Marianna has been a Colorado Springs area resident for 24 years where she enjoyed her many friends, bridge, books, and her family. She was a member of the Garden of the Gods Club, Grace Episcopal Church, and the Junior League. She has been living with her daughter, Virginia Foster, for the last five years in Woodland Park, CO. She is survived by her four children; Marianna Bantleon Nothern, and her husband, Austin, Topeka, KS; Harvey Bentleon Hoover, and his wife Jill, Colorado Springs, Virginia Bernice Foster, and her husband, Mike, Woodland Park, Martha Nell Ritter, and her husband, Jim, Naperville, IL; ten grandchildren; three great-grandchildren, and by her sister, Virginia B. Brier, Topeka, KS. She was preceded in death by two children, John Henry Hoover, and Elizabeth Jane Hoover, and by her two husbands, Harvey Jewell Hoover, and G. Phillips Bramwell. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. David's Episcopal Church, 36 Edlow Road, Woodland Park, CO, 80863. A memorial service will be held Friday, January 28, 2005, at Chapel of Our Savior, #8 4th Street, at 10:30 a.m., Colorado Springs. A private internment will be held at a later date.

Published in Kansas City Star on Jan. 26, 2005.

RIP Virginia B. Brier - Virginia Augustus Bantleon