Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dear family Friends, and all who Know and Love our daughter, Elizabeth Lauren,

From: BANTY HOOVER [mailto:banty66@msn.com]
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 6:43 AM
To: BANTY HOOVER; Jill Hoover
Subject: Daughter, Elizabeth Lauren Hoover

Dear family Friends, and all who Know and Love our daughter, Elizabeth Lauren,

First, please allow me this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who have come along side of us in prayer, love and support.  We continue to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from so many. 

Our daughter, Lauren, remains in a coma at St. Anthony's in Lakewood. The many fine physicians, nurses, and caretakers have provided the finest care imaginable in Trauma-ICU. It is indeed, amazing to have her in a place where everyone, from neurosurgeon to volunteer, seems to be most sensitive to the power of prayer and our spiritual needs. 

Since our little fighter underwent a craniectomy 3 days ago, doctors have been able to bring about some stability in her inner-cranial pressure, blood pressure, body temperature, sodium levels and several other features in this complicated balancing-act. Yesterday, a procedure was done to treat a blood clot. They are now preparing to remove part of some damage to her right lung as she is still struggling with pneumonia and other related side-effects. All in all, the prognosis remains doubtful at best. As the effects of the chemically-induced coma begin to subside, we are watching to see if Lauren will be able to awaken and respond to normal stimuli. We are told that the brain damage is extremely severe and again, Jill and I commit her into God's hands for a miracle. We have been staying in Denver for all but two nights since the accident and came home last night to take care of a a few responsibilities. We'll travel back today and just continue to trust our Lord God to provide healing according to His will. We have already witnessed God's handiwork and a few miracles of transforming faith. May it be to His glory!

Please log on to caringbridge.org  (indicate Lauren Hoover) for updates and add your own comments if you so desire. Sister, Elise (due to deliver our first granddaughter in two weeks) has also set up a gofundme.com account to help with finances. Again, we are in awe of the support for our daughter and thank God for all of you.

We love you!

Banty and Jill

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